Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grusse, Greetings and So Forth

"Gruss aus Hanau" or Greetings from Hanau is one of many postcard greetings that I have received lately. Cara from Germany sent me this beautiful multiview card. In my thank you message, I told her that I can still remember some of my German so I could read some of the captions on the pictures. Schloss is castle, stadt is city, Rathaus is city hall and strasse is street. Hanau is a city close to Frankfurt am Main in the middle of Germany. Thanks Cara for the greetings.

Mari from Kvopio, Finland sent me my next greeting. As you can see, the teddy bear is writing his letter. It says "Kirjoitan sulle taalta kaukaa...." which Mari says translates "I write for you from (for) here..." Mari is a teenager who loves dancing and taking photographs. She said she also loves animals and has a cat named Elli. I told her that my brother and sister in law have a cat too named Ms. Ellie. Six degrees of separation!

This is the stamp that brought Mari and Elli's card to me. Funny, it is a dog stamp and not a cat stamp! Anyway, this is my second "dog stamp" from Finland. The first one I received had a huskie or malamute on it. This one I believe is a beagle. DOGS RULE! Another type of greeting that I received is from Eleonore who is also a teenager who is studing art in a town in western France. I love her optimistic greeting. We should all "be happy."

Eleonore's homemade card came in an envelope and below is the stamp that was on the envelope. The stamp shows the citadal and town of the Bouches de Bonifacio which is the Straits of Bonifacio. The strait is a narrow inlet of water that separates Bonifacio, Corsica from Sardinia. A large citadal sits atop large limestone cliffs that overlooks the water. A museum and marine preserve are also located there. Plans are being made to name this place at UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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